Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Feb 28 (Chapter 11): Building a Customer Centric Organization—Customer Relationship Management

CRM is a business philosophy based on the premise that those organizations that understand the needs of individual customers are best positioned to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the future. This chapter discusses:

  • The reasons for CRM’s explosive growth

  • Using CRM to enhance decision making

  • CRM success factors


11.1 Compare operational and analytical customer relationship management.
Operational CRM supports traditional transactional processing for day-to-day front-office operations or systems that deal directly with the customers. Analytical CRM supports back-office operations and strategic analysis and includes all systems that do not deal directly with the customers. The primary difference between operational CRM and analytical CRM is the direct interaction between the organization and its customers.

11.2 Identify the primary forces driving the explosive growth of customer relationship management.

The primary forces driving the explosive growth of CRM include:

  • Automation/Productivity/Efficiency

  • Competitive advantage

  • Customer demands/requirements

  • Increase revenues

  • Decrease costs

  • Customer support

  • Inventory control

  • Accessibility

11.3 Define the relationship between decision making and analytical customer relationship management.

Analytical CRM solutions are designed to dig deep into a company’s historical customer information and expose patterns of behavior on which a company can capitalize. Analytical CRM is primarily used to enhance and support decision making and works by identifying patterns in customer information collected from the various operational CRM systems.

11.4 Summarize the best practices for implementing a successful customer relationship management system.

CRM success factors include:

  1. Clearly communicate the CRM strategy

  2. Define information needs and flows

  3. Build an integrated view of the customer

  4. Implement in iterations

  5. Scalability for organizational growth

Business Driven Technology (Customized WMU Edition)
Baltzan & Phillips.

Feb 28 (Project 6): Power of OLAP Cubes (MS Data Warehouse)

Project 6: Power of OLAP Cubes (MS Data Warehouse)

(Individual - 60 pts) (due Apr 3)

» Casebook (pp 67-76)

» Fill out an Excel spreadhheet as directed and submit your answers to your instructor via email.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb 21 (Project 5): IT for Innovation

Project 5: IT for Innovation
(Team assignment - 75 pts) (due Mar 27)

» Casebook (pp 7-8)

This assignment is a team report, similar in scope to project #2 (IT for Globalization). Your report should address the fifteen items described in your course casebook, page 7-8.

•Identify a way of doing business by an enterprise from the traditional sectors of economy.
•Identify most cutting edge information technologies and their impact upon a selected business' operations
•Predict how these information technologies may improve business productivity and the market share?
Work with the same teams as assigned for project #2.

Required Readings: Chapters: 13, 15, 16


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feb 14 (Project 4): SAP Purchase Processing

The Scenario…
You will be processing a purchase order for the fictitious Fitter Snacker company—a manufacturer of snack bars.
Fitter Snacker has two products
NRG-A bar - “Advanced Energy”
NRG-B bar - “Body Building Proteins”

Casebook pp 32-66

For this exercise, we will:
Create a purchase requisition for two Fitter Snacker raw materials—oats and wheat germ
Convert that requisition into a purchase order
Create a goods receipt
Create an invoice receipt
Post the outgoing payment

Your assignment…
Print and hand in the Vendor Appraisal with OI Sorted List screen (as seen on p. 63)

To begin… Double-click the SAP icon…

Choose the Fitter Snacker server (FS1)
Click the Log On button
System Number: 00

Client: 416
User ID: FS-## (## = your number)
Initial password: passwm27
Language: EN (leave blank)

Change your password
Passwords are cAsE SeNsITive
Remember it!

proceed through the exercise as instructed.
(Casebook pp 32-66)

Do not use Data Set Number 00 in any transactions!
This is reserved for the instructor
Replace this with your unique number

Feb 7 (Project 3): Microsoft Dynamics™ GP

Microsoft Dynamics™ GP
Great Plains Login and Password
Casebook pp: 18-31 (Individual Assignment)
User ID: BUS2700B-## (replace ## with your unique number)
Default Password: (none)

Excel files
» GP_Sales_Template.xlsx (16KB)
» GP_Sales_Sample_Output.xlsx (40KB)

Paste your results into the Excel template as shown and email the final spreadsheet to your instructor. Due date: Tuesday, March 20.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software connects a variety of business disciplines as it optimizes and controls business processes.

Involves the Porter value chain activities

Inbound logistics
Human resources

Project Goals: Microsoft Dynamics™ GP

Understand the different business activities needed for purchasing and their place in the Porter business value chain
Be able to navigate through Microsoft Dynamics™ GP ERP software
Recognize the component parts of a purchase order form and their importance
Export data from Microsoft Dynamics™ GP to Microsoft Excel for personal analysis

Microsoft Dynamics™ GP is a business management solution
It contains the “back-office” data of procurement, inventory, operations, sales, human resources, accounting, and finance.

The ERP system distributes real-time data throughout the enterprise so all people are working with accurate, updated data from the same source.
Accurate real-time data can be a competitive advantage
Inaccurate real-time data, or inaccessible data can cause tremendous problems.
ERP requires significant corporate attention and resources.

Microsoft Dynamics GP
Sales Order

Step 1: Check Inventory
Step 2 Checking Inventory with Smartlist
Step 3 Create a Sales Order
Step 4 Fulfill the Order
Step 5 Inventory Check
Step 6 Create an Invoice from the Order
Step 7 Check Sales Document Detail and Post Invoice
Step 8 Inventory Check
Step 9 Check Receivables
Step 10 Receive Payment ; Review Receivables by Customer

Scenario: (Casebook pp 60-74 )

  • Customers are showing a keen interest in blue phones (Item PHON-ATT-53BL) which will have to be shipped from the SOUTH site location.

  • You are responsible for processing sales quotes and sales orders. Blue phones are a re-sale item for your company.

  • You have to check inventory and, if sufficient phones are present, arrange shipment.

  • You will be given an Excel template and asked to add data to the template as you progress through the exercise.

  • Look for the TURN IN sections for instructions about the data to add to the Excel template.