April 10 (Ch 20): Developing a 21st Century Organization
Organizations are facing changes more extensive and far reaching in their implications than anything since the modern industrial revolution took place in the early 1900s. Technology is one of the primary forces driving these changes. Organizations that want to survive in the 21st century must recognize the immense power of technology, carry out required organizational changes in the face of it, and learn to operate in an entirely different way.
20.1 List and describe the four 21st century trends that businesses are focusing on and rank them in order of business importance.
The four primary information technology trends that businesses are focusing on include:
- IT infrastructures
- Security
- E-business
- Integration
20.2 Explain how the integration of business and technology is shaping 21st century organizations.
The integration of business and technology has allowed organizations to increase their share of the global economy, transform the way they conduct business, and become more efficient and effective.
Business Driven Technology (Customized WMU Edition)
Baltzan & Phillips.
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